Bonide Revitalize Bio Fungicide Concentrate


Revitalize your home garden with Revitalize Biofungicide from Bonide! This uniquely formulated fungicide triggers a plant’s immune response in order to control and prevent common fungal diseases. The active ingredient, a strain of the beneficial bacterium Bacillus amyloliquefaciens is approved for organic gardening and is a leading fungicide worldwide for the production of organic produce. Revitalize Biofungicide controls and prevents blights, molds, rots, spots mildews and more by providing top to bottom control. This complete plant disease solution can be used both indoors and outdoors on listed vegetables, fruits, nuts, ornamental trees, shrubs, flowers, houseplants and more. Apply as a spray or a soil drench treatment for full coverage protection. This product arrives conveniently ready-to-mix! Mix the concentrated solution with water and apply to affected plants as a soil drench or using a hand pump sprayer or other spray equipment. When mixed as directed, this concentrate makes 24 gallons. Please see product label for full use instructions.

  • Biofungicide controls blights, molds, rots, spots and mildews
  • Approved for organic gardening
  • Use as a spray or a drench
  • For use on vegetables, fruits, nuts, ornamentals, and houseplants
  • May be used up to day of harvest
  • Concentrate pint(16oz) Use as little as 1 tsp/gallon