Blackeyed Susan
- Bloom Color: Yellow
- Bloom Time: Summer to midfall
- Length of Bloom: 3 months
- Height: Varies by species
- Spread: Varies by species
- Light preference: Full sun to light shade
Known for their cheerful yellow or orange petals surrounding a dark central cone. Rudbeckias are perennials in most regions, though some cultivars are grown as annuals. They are prized for their long-lasting blooms, drought tolerance, and ability to attract pollinators like bees and butterflies. These versatile plants thrive in full sun and well-drained soil, making them ideal for borders, wildflower gardens, and cut flower arrangements. Overall, Rudbeckias add a vibrant splash of color and wildlife appeal to gardens with their bold and sunny blooms.
Please note, the appearance of plants may vary from the photos provided. Factors such as the time of year, dormancy periods, and growth stage can affect their appearance. These variations are natural and part of the plant's lifecycle.